北九州YMCA学生紹介 Vol.6
第6回目は日本語学校のタイからの留学生ジョン ウェルスさんを紹介します。
ジョン ウェルス(2013年4月入学・タイ)
I am very interested in Japanese history and culture. Especially, I like history, architecture and customs in the periods when Samurai existed very much. I think that they were unique and beautiful. When I came to Japan, I was surprised at first because Japanese people were kinder and products in Japan were cheaper than I had thought. I watched Japanese animations and movies many times in Thailand. After I finish studying Japanese in YMCA, I want to go to a university in Japan and study Japanese history. Also, I want to watch a lot of Japanese films and dramas in Japan.
John Wells (April 2013 from Thailand)